
welcome to our

Remember our fun blog all about Maura? Well We thought we should introduce you to the entire MJ team! If you missed it, here’s the blog all about our fearless leader. So today we’re going to introduce you to Sarah! Sarah is our associate shooter here at Maura Jane Photography. There’s a good chance that […]

Meet Sarah | Introducing our “Life of the Party” Associate Shooter | Albuquerque Wedding P

April 18, 2019

Wednesday was my moms last treatment for her cancer. It was a day filled with joy as she took the 2 hour drive to the clinic and rang the symbolic cancer free bell. I have been trying to think of the perfect time to write this blog for the past year as we experienced such […]

My Mom’s Battle With Cancer and How Immunotherapy Saved her Life

April 2, 2019

When you are running your own business, it can become easy to be burned out and exhausted. I suffer from workaholism and can find myself never separating from my phone or laptop, answering emails and texts from clients at all hours of the day, and working 60-70 hours a week. I also suffer from not […]

Bahamas | A Much Needed Trip for My Workaholic Self

February 1, 2019

Oh 2018, what a year. It was a year of high highs and low lows and lots and lots of growing. I am starting off with February because honestly, not a whole lot happened last January. It was a month of decompressing from 2017. February In February I had the chance to work with an […]

2018: A Year in Review

January 14, 2019